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Neverwinter: Fashion Sets

Added fur trim to the corset, and male body piece. Modeled and textured the male headpiece from scratch.

Added fur trim to the corset, and male body piece. Modeled and textured the male headpiece from scratch.

For the body, I re-textured all of the parts to match the texturing on the pants/boots (which were an existing fashion piece). The crown was a new model I made to match the set.

For the body, I re-textured all of the parts to match the texturing on the pants/boots (which were an existing fashion piece). The crown was a new model I made to match the set.

Combined existing pieces in new ways to create this male and female look.

Combined existing pieces in new ways to create this male and female look.

Sometimes when there isn’t capacity to make something entirely from scratch, creative re-use of existing assets can prove to be very useful to the team.

In all three of these fashion sets, I tried to get as much mileage as possible out of existing assets, combining them in new ways that hadn’t been seen before by players. Wherever necessary, I modified existing models and textures, or created additional parts from scratch, to finalize the look.

January 10, 2019